So internet wormholes being what they are, I found myself on a journey. You know it’s one of those journeys where you forget what you set out to discover and instead spin your eyeballs with the amount of tabs you have open.
And then your computer wheezes because it cannot believe how many different sites you’re trying to access all at once.
Because, of course, you’ve forgotten what you set out to do in the first place.
Anyways, I think I might have been looking for a shoe rack. This was prompted by the fact my hallway is akin to a jumble-sale and I am sick to death of tripping over the myriad of footwear littering my floor.
And it’s a small floor, so every centimetre counts.
This little idea set me off on a task which then necessitated finding the measuring tape (where on earth did I put it, I was quite sure I’d put it back in that safe place where the measuring tape always lives) but where-oh-where is it now?
The fabled safe place, had indeed, become a fable.
Thus I had to then hunt down the paper one I remember stashing when I went to IKEA a gazillion years ago. This, I was quite sure, lived in the drawer along with other stationery items. It was not there – of course – because when can you ever find something when you need it?
Deciding the tape measure was off having an affair with the stapler (that seems to have gone walkies as well, thus my theory they have eloped), I tried to measure out the space with a sheet of A4 having found the measurements online (opening yet another tab – A4 measures 29.7cm length-ways in case you were wondering).
Tackling the height of the proposed said shoe rack with a wafting sheet of A4 was trickier, and it was at this moment I swallowed my pride and did the thing nobody really wants to do: I knocked on my neighbours’ door and asked to borrow a tape measure.
Amazingly, their tape measure had not gone on holiday/eloped/disappeared and they were able to locate it in a matter of seconds.
Armed with the tools of the trade I then set to work. I noted down the measurements and then all I had to do was click the order button.
Of course, if you’ve opened a dizzying array of tabs, it’s pretty tricky trying to find your way back.
It was then that I came across a random site I had been meaning to look at and distracted by I don’t know what, I carried on clicking.
Click-happy is not the phase you should be in when you’re trying to buy a shoe rack.
But of course, I digress yet again, because the purpose of this post was to share with you how today I have learned music for guinea pigs is a thing (maybe?) On YouTube I have found a variety of tunes for piggies to dance and strut to and I thought I would share them.
Well, that and the story of my shoe rack, which if you’re interested, I still haven’t bought!