So last month I featured an article where a guinea pig thought he was a dog. Fast forward a couple of weeks and we now have a guinea pig who thinks he’s a cat!

Seriously, these piggies are going to be having the ‘piggest’ existential crises! (yep, pun fully intended!)
Anyway, what I really love about this story is how alike Luis, the bald guinea pig, looks to his adopted family of Sphynx cats. He may be a rodent to their feline line, but they all make for an adorable brood.

Luis is just six months’ old and was adopted by his current owner, Oksana Baltakiene, in Spain because she thought he would ‘perfectly fit’ into her Sphynx family – not something many new guinea pig owners would likely consider, but it seems Luis has bonded with his fellow baldies and treat him as a brother.

You can read the whole story here.