I’m so thrilled today to welcome my new book baby to the world: ‘Who Killed Patrick?’

This is the first book in my Mr Bob Murder Mystery series featuring Mr Bob the guinea pig as he and Tarah turn amateur sleuths to find out the truth.
It’s set in Corralejo, Fuerteventura, an area I have been visiting for 25 years and a place I love so much!
It’s a cozy crime novel, which means it’s more of a whodunit. I don’t like being scared and I don’t like violent crime and blood makes me squeamish, so you won’t find any of those nasty things! But what you will find is plenty of action and a story I hope you will enjoy set in a place where you can feel the sunshine on your face and the wind in your hair.
When I wrote this book I always envisaged I’d have some sort of fun launch party in Fuerteventura, but the situation means that’s not to be. And I have to be honest it left me feeling a bit flat.
But, I’m so very lucky and I’m feeling so loved, because the people I’ve reached out to in Fuerteventura have supported me.
Amelia Bolger, a popular vlogger based in Fuerteventura mentioned my new book and Corralejo Info ran an article
I know these are difficult times and there’s more to life than good times and holidays, but I also believe good times are needed in these bad times. Good thoughts can lead to good things.

I started writing ‘Who Killed Patrick?’ with the main aim of fun escapism with a bit of drama thrown in. I’d also say, underlying the main story is an alternative love story, it’s not the Hollywood version of romance, but I think it shows the reality of love in all it’s different guises.
To give you a taster of the book I’ve included a short extract below. The context is that Tarah, the main protagonist, is in Fuerteventura where she’s taken a job managing a holiday apartment complex. Patrick, a guest, has been found dead and now his wife has gone missing and they are looking for her.
If you’ve been to Corralejo, I wonder if you will recognise the place I’m describing!
“The sea at night looks black. White crusts form, foam and crash down onto the shore. At any other time, I’ve always thought the sea at night looks beautiful, but tonight, it looks menacing. The crests and troughs look savage and wild. Where before the sea had signalled freedom, adventure and a force of nature, now all I can see is a fierce, rampant monster smashing against the sand, pulverising and pummelling anything in its way.
The streetlights bordering the walkway of the seafront promenade throw off a yellowish-orange glow, illuminating the path in a low, cloudy, candlelit way. Their dim radiance throws off enough light for visibility, but not enough to see. I switch on my torch and the white beam feels harsh in contrast to the darkness all around. I’m tempted to turn it back off again for the light feels too abrasive, but then I remember the reason why I’m out here in the middle of the night.
Click to order ‘Who Killed Patrick?’