So until today I’ve never considered myself to be an airplane nerd.
I’m also not a gamer (unless you include board games!) And so it took me by surprise that I’ve now spent the best part of the last hour watching this YouTube video of a flight simulator from Malaga (LEMG) to Fuerteventura (GCFV).
I don’t know how it happened – but internet wormholes are what they are!
And I’ve got to tell you: it was mesmerising.
Knowing there’d be scenery of Fuerteventura was my pull, but what I didn’t expect was to be so addicted to all the onboard action and button pressing.
As I say, I’m not a gamer – I don’t even know the language for these things.
But, what got me about the whole experience was how life-like it was. If ever you wanted to feel like a pilot, then this simulation game is it. I looked out of the window, controlled the flight paths, door locks, stairs (in the virtual vicarious sense of the word), and it was amazing.

The plane you’re flying is a Vueling A320 and from where you’re sat, you can see everything including the engines, the wings – heck you can even see the ground staff looking fed up with their lives as they wait for you to take-off!
If you’re more into games/ simulators/ planes than what I am, this video has been released by Fly X who are a flight simulation scenery development company that develops airport scenery. I’m not sure on the technical details as I’m just an amateur observer, but what I can say from my position is: WOW.
Who knew watching somebody flying a plane could be so fascinating!
I loved being able to pretend for a while to be a pilot and see what a pilot may see and look down on the beautiful island of Fuerteventura. As most visitors know, the island is primarily served by tour operators such as Ryan Air, Wizz Air and Norwegian. And I was impressed by the level of detail which even included the tour buses at the front of the airport when you arrived.
Flying over the island and seeing the golden sands was a real treat, but what I didn’t expect was to enjoy the landing into Caleta so much! It’s a landing I’ve done so many times (always with much excitement), but this time to see it from the pilot’s seat was extraordinary! The screenshots are so realistic and you actually feel like you’re on the runway about to land…and you’re holding yourself ready for the jolt!

And it’s not just the imagery you’re looking at – they also have audio instructions to ensure you’ve put your fuel pumps on, disengaged the parking brake and to start the engines. There are so many controls I wouldn’t know where to start and so it was a pleasure to watch somebody else take the controls, but feel like you were doing it. So clever.
What I also really enjoyed was the guy who was doing the flight simulator had been to Fuerteventura in real life as well, so he knows the wonders of the island on offer!
When we arrived the temperature was 26 degrees and it was time to call the stairs and the baggage handlers.
And in that moment I also thought I’d arrived.
Sadly, looking out at my British grey clouds, I know that not to be the case.
Anyway, if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a pilot and fly to Fuerteventura here’s your chance. It’s cheaper and easier than trying to get your pilot’s licence! And for those tourists who’ve always wondered what it’s like to be upfront – here’s the virtual deal.
It may be tricky to travel right now, but I for one, feel like I arrived in Fuerteventura today 🙂